
Little talk with Caludia Bertini


Un senso di serenità e bellezza nasce guardando (e indossando) i capi di Claudia Bertini, abiti senza età nati da una fine miscela di classico e contemporaneo, dove ogni pezzo è parte di un'unica collezione che cresce nel tempo. 
Un po' di romanticismo nei tenui rosa e nelle voluminose maniche che ricorrono tra i vari capi, il minimalismo delle linee e dei toni neutri, un assaggio di nostalgia per le cose semplici evocata dai tessuti morbidi e dalle facilità delle forme. Sartoria moderna e curata, estetica raffinata e rilassata sono incorporate nei vari capi, prodotti in piccole serie prediligendo la qualità.

Nell'intervista che segue potete scoprire qualcosa di più su Claudia e il suo marchio.

When and how was your brand born?
Since I can think I am attracted by pictures, clothes and precious materials.
I loved all the Vogue magazines of my mother. They where all over.
As well, my grandparents where mens tailor and had an atelier in the city where a lot of interesting things happened. They where former warrant holder as tailor to the Opera and Congress Orchestra and had a lot of inspiring clients; all that fascinated me.
After matura (high-school diploma), I studied fashion design at the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste 14 years ago and make clothes since then. In Summer 2014 there was my first popup with Linck Ceramics at Talstrasse Shop, behind Paradeplatz, installed by the artist Cristian Andersen.

What inspires your creations?
I am inspired by nature, high quality fabrics, the energy of subcultural movements and a free state of mind.

Where is your collection produced? How do you choose suppliers and manufacturers?
I produce in Italy and Switzerland. High quality manufacturing and a good relation are key.

Which materials and shapes do you prefer to work with?
Materials: doubleface fabrics, linen, coton, wools and cashmere.
I love clear, visible statements, mixed with the best fabrics and comfort. I feel a strength and calmness in all this and it reflects my philosopy of serenity. I hope that women also feel that way wairing my clothes.

What are your plans for the future?
The Popup shop at Katz Contemporary in Zurich from 18 May until 21 May 2016 with a interior by artist David Renggli.

I found interesting that for your popup stores you’ve always collaborated with some artist and the next one will take place in an art gallery. What is your relationship with art? Does it inspire your collection or it’s something that comes later, when the work is finished?
In a meta-level point of view, art is the most important medium where development is possible.
It's a place where I feel a powerful source at any kind of levels.
Besides that I am surrounded by art - most of the people in my private environment are artists, musicians or poeple working in a culturel field. So therefore art is something natural to me.

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